CHOCO FAMILY®: Health and Nutrients in One Place
CHOCO FAMILY® is a chocolate powder formulated with 60% pure cocoa, enriched with vitamins A, C, B9 (folic acid), B12, calcium, selenium and zinc. It is an excellent option to replace traditional chocolate drinks sweetened with sugar, maintaining the authentic flavor and tradition of chocolate powder.
Nutritious and healthy formulation : Contains 60% pure cocoa.
Source of vitamins and minerals : Enriched with essential nutrients.
Vegan : Suitable for vegan diets.
Low in calories : Only 19 kcal per 8g serving.
Zero sugar : Sweetened with maltitol, xylitol, stevia and thaumatin.
Gluten free : Suitable for people with gluten intolerance.
Easy solubility : Can be used in milk and various recipes.
Yield : 30 servings per package.
Tasty : Maintains the delicious flavor of chocolate.

Scientific Data
The lack of nutrients that are important for health is a common problem in today's society. A study conducted by the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) and the University of São Paulo (USP) revealed that around 99% of the Brazilian population has insufficient vitamins and minerals in their bodies¹.
Although adults are aware of the importance of consuming vitamins and minerals, they often have difficulty ingesting the ideal amount. This problem is even more serious among children, whose palates tend to prefer sweets to healthy foods, aggravating the micronutrient deficiency⁴.
Providing children with the necessary nutrients is a challenge for parents and caregivers, especially when their intake of vegetables, legumes and fruits is insufficient. It is essential to find fun, healthy and tasty ways for children to meet their daily nutritional needs⁴.
Furthermore, several studies point to the benefits of cocoa for the cardiovascular system. The flavonoids present in cocoa can help with vasodilation and reducing blood pressure²,³.
MEDICINE PUC-RIO. "Population suffers from lack of vitamins in the body." Available at: Learn more
doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.01242.2011. Available at: Learn more
doi: 10.31083/j.rcm.2018.04.3187. Available at: Learn more
doi: 10.1017/jns.2020.12. Available at: Learn more
doi: 10.2741/4704. Available at: Learn more
doi: 10.1007/s11894-017-0602-9. Available at: Learn more